Published: April 27, 2012

Alex Tanous Scholarship Award: How It Helped My Research

When I was informed last year that I had been accepted as the recipient of the 2011 Alex Tanous Scholarship Award, I was delighted.  In fact, words can’t describe how good it can feel to have your work recognised by means of an award, in a field of research such as parapsychology, which receives very little financial backing as a science. As a result of this, often, those involved in the field will self-fund their efforts where possible and be highly passionate about their studies and research, sometimes I feel this is the only thing which keeps most, if not all parapsychologists involved.

The Alex Tanous Scholarship Award was presented to me during the end of my post-graduate research, while I was a Masters student.  At that time I had also been studying anomalous telephone call experiences, which involved collecting and investigating such accounts.  I began investigating such accounts in 2009, and subsequently published a few papers on the topic.  The award money allowed me to purchase books and other texts that I would not normally be able to afford.  Just after I received the Tanous Scholarship Award, I decided to compile all of my work into a new book entitled Telephone Calls from the Dead (Tricorn Books, 2012), which I hope will be accepted as a useful revised edition of the original book: Phone Calls from the Dead (by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless, 1979).

In November 2011, I was asked to speak to the Life After Life club, in Southern California, on my book and research into spontaneous experiences, and on the lives and work of Rogo and Bayless.  The trip was organised by my friend and colleague Dr. Elizabeth McAdams who worked closely with Raymond Bayless during the 1970s and 1980s.  The last of the Tanous Scholarship Award contributed towards my travelling to the United States to not only give a presentation of my research and interview Dr. McAdams in person, but it also gave me to opportunity to visit D. Scott Rogo’s father in North Hollywood. It was an experience I will never forget and I have gratefully acknowledged the Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research in my work to date, for their support of my work and research.  The foundation offers great support for all students involved in the study of anomalous human experiences and a wealth of knowledge on Dr. Alex Tanous himself.  I continue to follow the foundation with great interest and regularly highlight the foundation and its services to my own students and peers.

Callum E. Cooper
University of Northampton



Alex Tanous Foundation Sponsored Award

The Alex Tanous Scholarship Award of $500.00 is designed to offer assistance to a student attending an accredited college, university or who is participating in a Certificate in Parapsychological Studies program and or a Researcher who wishes to pursue the academic study and or research of the science related in the areas of physical and spiritual development including, but not limited to the development of creativity, creativity and healing and the teaching of creativity as well as research of anomalies, power of the mind/will, the elderly and developmentally challenged children and or sponsorship or co-sponsorship of a Conference/Study Group related to the areas stated above.

Applicants must demonstrate a previous interest in the stated fields by including sample writing on the subject with the application form. Letters of reference are also required from two individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s work and or studies or a detailed description of the conference to be sponsored. Final products including essays written, blogs or research may be submitted to the Alex Tanous Foundation as part of our mission to further the research and disseminate the work through the Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research.

The deadline for receipt of the application is May 1, 2012 and the awardee will be notified no later then August 1, 2012.

… Dr. Tanous’ entire life was devoted to healing, research of anomalies, writing, lecturing and love for his fellow man….

Guidelines For Award


The Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research
P.O. Box 3818 Portland, Maine 04104-3818 USA
Phone / FAX: (207) 773-8328

One of the many bequests that Dr. Alex Tanous left was to fund scholarly incentive awards to students, researchers or sponsored conferences which display study in or related to the fields of physical and spiritual development including, but not limited to the development of creativity, creativity and healing and the teaching of creativity as well as research of anomalies, power of the mind/will, the elderly and developmentally challenged children.
The Alex Tanous Foundation is proud to honor that wish of Dr. Tanous and bring forth the following Student/Researcher Scholarship Award Program: Please direct any questions or comments to the contact stated above.

Please look at the link below for more detailed information.

Application For Award


The Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research
P.O. Box 3818 Portland, Maine 04104-3818 USA
Phone/FAX (207) 773-8328

1. Application must be filled out completely to be considered and evaluated.
2. Completed application must be submitted no later than May 1 this year to be eligible for funding assistance.
3. Two references are required as part of the application process. Enclosed you will find two reference forms along with self-addressed envelopes. Please provide them to the persons giving you the references. We must have these by the application deadline.
4. A brief description of the purpose for your application and how the funds would be used.
5. Name, address, telephone and contact person of the school, institution or organization that you are currently attending or affiliated with.
6. If applicable, please provide for the foundation any writings that may result from your project.






EDUCATION: (please provide school names, address, attendance dates, and degrees.)

High School_____________________________________________________________

Grad School or Other

Employer Name/Address, Period Employed, Position, and Reason for leaving

How did you hear about the Student Scholarship Awards?


Describe briefly the purpose of your application and how the funds would be used.

Please list the two references who will be returning the reference forms.

Reference #1____________________________________________________________________

Reference #2_____________________________________________________________________

I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is accurate and complete. I further understand that any failure to provide accurate and complete information on this form may result in the denial of the application for funding.
