Published: October 18, 2014

Hello & Happy Fall!

What an exciting summer and fall we have had here at the Alex Tanous Foundation with lots going on from our Annual Meeting, Granting Awards, Cal Cooper’s publishing of Conversations With Ghost and a presentation at the Rhine Center! Being in the midst of fall here in the Northeast, the warm sunny days, the crisp cool evenings and the abundance of color on our doorstep; it is a perfect time to re-group, reflect and reposition for another great year ahead. Please enjoy our updates from “The Light”

Alex Tanous Foundation’s 24th Annual Board Meeting

At our Annual Board Meeting held in June 2014 the following grants were awarded and we are very excited about the work that is currently being done in the fields of Parapsychology, the ongoing research, education and presentations that are able to happen as part of the Foundation’s mission!

A Grant Awarded to the Rhine Research Center-

The Foundation has been part of theexciting kick-off to “Leaders in Parapsychology” Cal Cooper gave a presentation on August 22 at the Stedman Auditorium on Dr. Alex Tanous and “Conversations with Ghost”, as well as the Rhine Education Center Scholarship fund for education in parapsychology The search and cataloging system in the Alex Tanous Library has been modernized and distributed throughout the office so that researchers, staff members, and visitors to the library can locate and learn more about the books maintained in the library. The library has also been reorganized and is being audited to insure the integrity of the library resources for the future. The funds will help to provide support research work that involves the organization and preservation of reports of exceptional experiences that have been collected by Louisa Rhine and Sally Rhine Feather which include the readuing of thousands of reports, organizing and being preserved for future research work. The rhine has reported that there has been a great deal of activity specifically around the library, and it is with the help of the Alex Tanous Foundation that they have been able to continue to enhance the facility and maintain this wonderful resource for researchers and for the Rhine community.

A Scholarship Awarded to Alexander De Foe-

Research on Remote Viewing: Mr. De Foe works as a lecturer and is currently working on his PhD studies in the psychological department of Monash University, in Melbourne Australia, he has developed an experiment, which aims to experientially induce out-of-body displacement as part of his PhD project. He would work toward this continued research promoting the study, working with participants and publishing the findings in a journal/conference proceeding.

A Scholarship Awarded to Callum Cooper

With his continued devotion to the Foundation last year Cal focused on the work of Alex Tanous, presentations at the SPR, Universities in England, a show on Coast-to-Coast Radio, promoting Alex’s work online and the publishing of “Conversations with Ghost” (a collection of stories that Alex wrote on his experiences with ghost cases) his goals for next year: “ I would like to complete/write up “Contact” and source a publisher for it, create an editorial piece on several of the various subjects that Dr. Tanous researched such as, psychics and crime, genetic memory theory, the Bermuda Triangle, Light Projection, etc. compile a collection of works that honor Dr. Alex Tanous and relate this to current and ongoing research in such fields from academics/parapsychologists”.

A Grant Awarded to the University of Southern Maine Continuing Education Department-

Dr. Tanous taught at USM for many years and was one of his favorite places to be, after meeting with the staff regarding this award they plan to honor Alex’s memory and spirit with the offer of several scholarships within their programs that accommodate over 1,200 people a year who take classes and who are seeking a change in their lives and to “re-write their scripts” as Alex would say! The students would be looking to make a significant personal or career changes in his or her life that this program would support, as well as not having access to fee reimbursement by their employer.

The Alex Tanous Memorial Scholarship

Each June at the Graduation Award Assembly an Alex Tanous Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a member of the Van Buren Secondary School in Van Buren, Maine (Dr. Tanous’ hometown) This year that member was Nicholas Lajoie, 2014 Senior Class Valedictorian! Nicholas was also the recipient of the 2014 Maine Principal’s Award, a member and President of the National Honor Society, Class President, and a Co-Captain of the Varsity Soccer and Basketball teams as well as an active member of the High School Band, All-Aroostook Band and a member of the local Catholic Youth Ministry. Nicholas plans to attend the University of Maine at Orono to purse a degree in Computer Engineering, all our best to you Nicholas!

A Visit to the Rhine Research Center– Callum E. Cooper

In August Cal traveled out of London to Durham, North Carolina, to give the first of a series of lectures hosted by the Rhine Research Center, on the topic of “Leaders in the field of Parapsychology”. The Alex Tanous Foundaiton sponsored the trip with a grant to organize by the Rhine Research Center. The purpose of the trip was to give a guest presentation on the life and work of the late Dr. Alex Tanous and to promote the recent publication of Conversations with Ghosts. The Rhine Research Center is home to the Alex Tanous Memorial Library, and so it was a double honor to be spending time in a place founded by and supported on the work of – such figures in parapsychology as Drs J.B. and Louisa Rhine and Alex Tanous.

The Alex Tanous Foundation has supported Cal, alongside with the Society for Psychical Research for several years. He added that this trip was indeed a memorable point for him as he met Alice Kelley (niece of Dr. Alex Tanous) who is the Secretary and Research Assistant of the Alex Tanous Foundation. Like previous trips to the United States and meeting family members of Parapsychologist, meeting a member of the Tanous family was like a family reunion, having spent so much of his time studying Dr. Tanous’ life and work so closely.

The next several days were filled with touring the Rhine Center, the Library, Research Labs, a social gathering with members and researchers from the Rhine Center followed by the presentation at the Stedman Auditorium on Duke University. Overall the trip to Durham, NC to spend time at the Rhine Research Center and to give a guest presentation was a successful event and extremely useful in strengthening links between researchers and research institutes in the USA and UK. Cal added that it was a pleasure to spend time out there with some passionate people, it is that kind of passion which will encourage future generations to become involved and attempt to answer those complex questions regarding the often poorly understood aspects of human nature within the domain of parapsychology.

· For more on Callum Cooper or his report in full please contact the Foundation at or Callum Coooper at

· To watch Callum Cooper’s presentation at the Rhine please visit the Rhine Center’s Web Site at

· For more information on The Alex Tanous Foundation and our Grant & Scholarship programs please visit our Web Site at