Published: March 28, 2014
Hello From The Alex Tanous Foundation!
I would like to say Happy Spring but how about Happy almost Spring as we patiently wait for the warmer weather to arrive here in the northeast!
This week I have been thinking about the 24th Anniversary of the Foundation as well as the 24th year that Alex Tanous made his transition. Alex passed away right when the super highway of information (the internet) became a reality for us all. The many thoughts he would have had about this wonderful tool, and Im sure it would have been the highlight of many lectures. Alex would have so enjoyed being able to access information instantly but would have also cautioned his students in staying away from sites that may be misleading in what they were searching for.
With that being said I started to “Google” Alex’s name and found 73,500 places that his name is mentioned on the internet! It was not a surprise to me in fact I found it so intriguing I had to share it with you all. Below is a Link to the first of many pages that his name is mentioned, most being directed to our web site, but many are aritcles that he wrote or were written about him. It was so interesting to find one site that lead to the next and the next… Please enjoy a little bit of “Alex Tanous Searching” today and find once again the many facets to our Founder!
The Rhine Center Presents
Current and Upcoming Events
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The Near Death Experience: Personal Accounts and Research
A near death experience (NDE) is a profound psychological event that may occur to a person close to death or, if not near death, in a situation of physical or emotional crisis. Because it includes transcendental and mystical elements, an NDE is a powerful event of consciousness. . (read more…)
April 11th, 2014 7:00 PM through 9:00 PM Stedman Auditorium on the Duke Center for Living Campus 3475 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705 Friday Evening Talks Bill Bengston Returns to the Rhine
Bill Bengston will return to the Rhine via Skype to to talk about his remarkable research and current progress. Limited seating. (read more…) April 25th, 2014 7:00 PM through 9:00 PM Alex Tanous Library at The Rhine 2741 Campus Walk Ave. Bldg. 500 Durham, NC 27705 Friday Evening Talks
** Please visit for more information on upcoming events and the Rhine.
The Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research
P.O. Box 3818 Portland, Maine 04104-3818