Published: August 23, 2013
Callum Cooper, Researcher, Graduate, PhD Research Degree student, Writer, Lecturer…. sound a little familiar yes to the Alex Tanous Foundation Cal sounded very familiar and from the first encounter reminded us all of the energy Dr. Tanous carried with him.
We first met Cal Cooper, (the Foundations 3rd time Grant Awardee) back in 2011 when he applied for the Alex Tanous Scholarship Award at which time he was studying many of the fields that Dr. Tanous had studied. He was also working on a book: Telephone Calls From The Dead, which was published shortly after his first award. He has since this time, studied the life of Dr. Tanous, lectured on his work on several occasions, traveled to Egypt and re-traced Alex’s trip there from back in the 1980’s.
He has also studied at The University of Northampton,Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Northampton, been granted the Alex Tanous Foundation Award and the Parapsychology Foundation Award. He has had written many selected publications and papers on Psychology and Parapsychology, presented papers created books and chapters, Thesis and Dissertations as well as Media Work as a Guest, Presenter or Psychologist and holds several Academic Affiliations.
Cal has worked as a Graduate Student Mentor (psychology). The University of Northampton, a Research Assistant at The University of Northampton, a temporary Lecturer of Psychology at The University of Northampton. Teaching and lecturing in topics such as anomalistic psychology and research methods for A Level students who attended the University open day arranged by NAPPER and Aim Higher.
With this years granted award from The Alex Tanous Foundation Cal has a new project in the works it is the republishing of Conversations With Ghosts, by Alex Tanous with Callum Cooper.
Cal wrote to the Foundation: “I have read in great detail the OBE research between Dr Tanous and Dr Osis, but hearing the ‘ghost hunting’ side of things was very refreshing given my own background in the investigation of purportedly haunted locations. My offer to the committee, and request (should it be granted in anyway), is to get this manuscript finally published, and a further book publication by Dr Tanous, as I would be greatly interested in completing the manuscript of Conversations with Ghosts.”
Finally his plans for this coming year: he intends to continue compiling research and literature on Dr. Alex Tanous, and more so his seldom known research areas, which include his academic dissertation work. He will be presenting a conference paper in September 2013 at the “Exploring The Extraordinary Conference ( in association with the University of York) regarding the life, work and research of the late Dr. Alex Tanous. Watch for this PowerPoint slide show in the coming months in our Media Library! He continues to work on his PhD and thesis, which is on a part time basis and funded entirely by the Alex Tanous Foundation and the Society for Psychical Research!
Here at the Alex Tanous Foundation it feels like we have been given a gift from Alex within Cal. From the minute he was granted the first award he has been on the go with his research, publishing, and lecturing into the life of Dr. Alex Tanous and we are very excited about his dedication, level of expertise and devotion to the Foundation. Thank-you Cal and here’s to Calling on you more in the future!
The Alexander Tanous Memorial Scholasrship
The Alexander Tanous Memorial Scholarship was started in May 1997 by the Alex Tanous Foundation and had at the time one goal in mind. To continue the legacy of Alex Tanous which began in the northern Main town of Van Buren
Dr. Tanous had a true connection to his roots, he believed in “destiny” not “chance”. He believed that each and every young person today has the will to be the creator of their own destiny and that they can accomplish what they plan to do.
This year’s recipient of the Dr. Alexander Tanous Scholasrship is Richard Michaud. Richard gradated from Van Buren District Secondary School on June 7, 2013 and was Salutatorian of his senior class. He is enrolled to attend the University of Maine in Orono this fall to pursue a degree in engineering.
2013 Granted Awards:
Alex Tanous Foundation is pleased to announce the following awards that were granted at the 23rd Annual Board of Directors Meeting
· American Society for Psychical Research, New York City
· Rhine Research Center – Alex Tanous Memorial Library, Course Scholarships, Research,
· Callum Cooper, Researcher – Publishing of Conversations With Ghosts
If you would like additional information on our Grants/Awards or the application process please go to our Web Site at
The Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research
P.O. Box 3818 Portland, Maine 04104-3818